- s u k i . n e t -

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Good Bye My Love

i've tried so hard to make u come back to me.
but u said u have lost feeling to me:)
and i cant force u to be with me
eventhou i love u alot. i do love u alot alot.
goodbye my love.
u gave me a hug and kiss for the last time just now
i wont be able to get em from u anymore.
i miss u. i love u.

good bye and take care.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 9 without you

today i woke up at 10 and went to class at 12. finish class at 1 haha. how nice right.
juz an hour class. the class dismissed early so that we able to finish up our assignment faster cos the due date is on friday. felt so happy, i took my phone out just now and nearly sms u to tell u tat i've finished class early..i used to do that last time =/
sms you whenever i finish my class or whatever i do. but now i can't do that anymore.. so, i put my hp back into my handbag..
i really hope i can do that again one day
i miss it....

i love you

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 8 without you

today is the second time i cook porridge for you when you're sick.
remind me of last time how i cook for you and you finish it infront of me.
i hope i can cook for u more. but not when you fall sick la haha.. choi..i dont want you to fall sick, have to be healthy ^^
is when you're hungry =)
take care of yourself. i cant take care of you there..
but..i wish i can =)
i miss you....
i love you....

my love,

tears dropping, remind me of last time..the moment with you...


take care my love

went movie with u just now remind me of our memories.
how we used to watch. how we used to laugh together.
how we used to hug each other and watch. i love holding ur arm and put my head on ur shoulder. sometime when we're watching halfway u will give me a kiss on my cheek or forehead which i like it alot. i love it so much. i love when u do that.
i miss the moment alot alot. so happy.
i nearly call u diah today.. hah..

ure sick now and i hope that u wil drink plenty of water. take good care.
i miss u alot.



thx for keeping me company for movie.
my heart is ache now. i miss u and finally i saw u just now.
i miss u alot.alot.alot.
i love u alot.alot.alot.

i swear.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


i love you, alot alot.

good bye diah

Saturday, October 24, 2009

this is also your favourite song

this is also the song you always sing for me when u listen to this

1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you

i love you.


my promise

i'll keep the promises. i'm changing. this is my promise.
promise to change everything! definitely will.

i'm taking this promises very seriously
i'm doing it already earlier.
i'll prove to everyone that i'm changing.
i swear.


diah.....i'm heartbroken

Friday, October 23, 2009

Your Favourite Song

the song u always hold my hand and sing for me. your favorite song.

diah..my heart is broken